A lot has changed these past couple weeks! I have received a lot of positive and negative feedback regarding my investigation.  I understand FEFO is normal and apart of the progress, hence why I have developed my idea a bit differently.

My investigation of a media niche has changed from the platform Instagram, to Pinterest. However, this doesn’t change my audience. I am still creating an aesthetic for my Digital Artefact and will be aiming it at young females who find it pleasing. However, I will mostly be focusing on my personal experience with the aesthetic, utilising autoethnography. It’s great I can share my aesthetic to others and extend my research.

As you can see I already have 8 pins!

Inspiration: My inspiration is still the same except I am looking at pinboards not hashtags.

Particular epiphany’s I have include:

1. Why am I drawn to this aesthetic?

I will be observing my emotions towards the aesthetic and writing down how it makes me feel, making this research reflexive. (Dorothee et al, 2012) highlights that an aesthetic experience encompasses an affective process of aesthetic judgement and emotion experienced with an image. By jotting down my emotions, I am able to give a personal evaluation, coinciding with the reflexive paradigm, relating to auto-ethnography.

This will then relate to…

2. What persona am I portraying?

(Marshall, 2013) states “fundamentally the persona is nothing real: it is a compromise between individual and society as to what a man should appear to be.” Focusing on auto ethnography, I have always grown up admiring the lifestyle of actresses with their desirable lifestyle, so this aesthetic sticks out to me and I am portraying the persona I could only wish for!


3. Why are aesthetics useful?

As I have begun to research why aesthetics are useful, I will be able to take away knowledge surrounding marketing and how I can use this information towards my career path. (Colliander & Marder, 2018) states if a brand manages to create meaningful images that fit into the overall aesthetic landscape of the medium, then this should signal to users that the brand has expertise in understanding the media landscape in which it operates. My aesthetic could be used for marketing a clothing line by enticing and attracting a customer through my aesthetic.


Colliander, J & Marder, B 2018, ‘“Snap happy” brands: Increasing publicity effectiveness through a snapshot aesthetic when marketing a brand on Instagram’, Computers in human behavior, vol. 78, pp. 34–4, accessed 8th September 2021 <https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/%27Snap-happy%27-brands%3A-Increasing-publicity-through-a-Colliander-Marder/3426d8a70e801ec34ab8eb133a3520c1e4331896&gt;

M Dorothee Augustin, Claus-Christian Carbon & Johan Wagemans 2012, ‘Artful Terms: A Study on Aesthetic Word Usage for Visual Art versus Film and Music’, i-Perception, vol. 3, viewed 7th September 2021, <https://search-ebscohost-com.ezproxy.uow.edu.au/login.aspx?direct=true&db=edsdoj&AN=edsdoj.7a644208025a4b0dbcfdc0bf2c2d310e&gt>

Marshall, PD 2013, ‘Persona studies: Mapping the proliferation of the public self’, Journalism: Theory, Practice & Criticism, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 153–170, viewed 9th September 2021 <https://www.dropbox.com/s/ec8qnaitmq1fas4/Marshall%20-%202013%20-%20Persona%20studies%20Mapping%20the%20proliferation%20of%20the%20.pdf?dl=0&gt;

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