I found peer reviewing to be a more challenging and eye-opening experience than I expected. With our digital and social media major, we are always able to view each other’s work since we are readily accessible online. Nevertheless, reflecting on one’s own work is a completely different experience.

As it stands, the majority of the content I reviewed was quite thorough and had little room for missing elements. Lucky for me, I learned a lot from this experience and will be much better equipped in the future. One of the things I learnt involved how it takes patience and great knowledge to give feedback that is extremely useful, so a massive shout out to all the wonderful tutors out there who mark hundreds of students’ work!

I was able to look at Sammie’s Digitial Artefact which involved updating her calisthenics journey to Instagram. From this experience, I learnt that I need to produce a more specific workable timetable for the remainder of the session that addresses assessments, DA content and the autoethnographic research, which Sammie showcased.

Sammie also had clear epiphanies linked to an analytical framework, something I can fix in my final report. She also showcased journaling and answered how her autoethographic research is being conducted. Although I stated I write down my emotions, I could articulate this better. Engaging with the criteria has helped focus my energy on how important it is to demonstrate a high level of digital literacies in the production.

Sammie also really broke her Digital Artefact down, something I can definitely improve on rather than just jumping straight into it! I need to be more mindful that I am explaining my work to an audience who hasn’t seen it before.

Overall, my major takeaway from this experience is that I should try to communicate my ideas more clearly and with more detail. Being a tutor for the day was fun yet challenging, and I am more than happy to stay as a student (for now).