What a journey already! I have achieved a lot over these past four weeks, describing the media niche and mapping out a field site which involves identifying where the researcher should ideally be located as a participant observer (Burrell, 2009). I have also created an Instagram page named thedivatimes and finally laid down plans for my research process, including ethical standards, methods of observation, auto-ethnography, and a detailed schedule for the completion of the project. 

Social media platforms and their ephemeral publics pose major epistemological and methodological challenges to online ethnography (Airoldi, 2018) which is why I have narrowed it down to Instagram. Instagram also obviously emphasises photos more than any other social media platform. The platform also appeals to younger adults with 64% of Instagram users are 18-29 years old (Chen, 2020). This will be beneficial to build my target audience, which would be younger females.

I have created a timeline below which will give me the opportunity to be more organised weekly, keeping up to date with specific activities and highlighting when things are due. Each week I will be posting on my Instagram page.

Reflexive research is important in the ethnography field as the main goal of the research is to describe a culture or subculture (Field-Springer). This is commonly used among qualitative research. I will be carefully examining and acknowledging assumptions and preconceptions about the specific topic.

I am very excited to begin this research and see how audiences like my Instagram page!


Airoldi, M. (2018) Ethnography and the digital fields of social media, International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 21:6, 661-673, DOI: 10.1080/13645579.2018.1465622, accessed 19th August 2021.

Burrell, J. (2009) ‘The Field Site as a Network: A Strategy for Locating Ethnographic Research’, Field Methods, 21(2), pp. 181–199. doi: 10.1177/1525822X08329699, accessed 19th August 2021.

Chen, J 2020, 18 Instagram Stats Every Marketer Should Know for 2018, Sprout Social, viewed 20 August 2021, <https://sproutsocial.com/insights/instagram-stats/&gt;.

Field-Springer, K n.d., ‘Reflexive embodied ethnography with applied sensibilities: methodological reflections on involved qualitative research’, Qualitative Research, vol. 20, no. 2, pp. 194–212, accessed 17th August 2021, <https://search-ebscohost-com.ezproxy.uow.edu.au/login.aspx?direct=true&db=edselc&AN=edselc.2-52.0-85064532564&gt;.

advice aesthetic analysis archaeology audience autoethnography BCM215 BCM241 BCM325 blog climate change comparing cultural capital Digital Artefact discussion emotions engaging environment ethnographic skill ethnography fashion feedback films future game media games innovative marketing media nostalgic peer peers persona pins Pinterest reflect retro students tiktok tweets Twitter undead visuals youth zombies


  1. Sammie Fownes says:

    Hi Samantha, just want to firstly mention that your pitch is fantastic! You covered everything well and covered all the assessment task instructions. In particular I love your timeline. It is very detailed and deeply documents all your plans and your project scope. If I was to suggest one thing it would be to draw a little more information on ethnographic research methods. I saw you mentioned reflexive research, but a lot of what you described sounded more like autoethnography and participatory observation. I found that Catherine Dawsons ‘How to Carry Out Participant Observation’ from the week 3 reading was really helpful in understanding these. The quality and structure of your blog is amazing although I would have linked your previous blogs when introducing your niche and fieldmap just to give it a bit more depth.

    I think this text might be helpful in understanding the role and impacts of visual aesthetics in luxury vibed Instagram accounts. It seemed to have a few common themes with what you have described above:

    Exploring the role of visual aesthetics and presentation modality in luxury fashion brand communication on Instagram by Sony Kusumasondjaja via uow library https://www-proquest-com.ezproxy.uow.edu.au/docview/2532638301?OpenUrlRefId=info:xri/sid:primo&accountid=15112


  2. graciemblogs says:

    Hey Samantha, great pitch video and very interesting media niche, it is unique! Firstly, I will start off by saying that you explained everything that you intend to do/achieve, focus on and accomplish perfectly. I understood everything, it was clear and concise. You have a good focus for your DA and know exactly where you are going and what you are doing. You used goof examples and great use of links throughout your contextual post. I like the social media platforms you are using as they are perfect for your DA topic. You have a clear direction as mentioned before and I appreciate the frequent use of definitions, it makes everything that much more clear. With sticking perfectly to the 2min time, you were able to create a well structured pitch video explaining everything you know about what research methods you will be using and the mentioned of ethical research practises. You had a clear understanding of ethnography and your chosen filed using relevant academically sourced links and also drawing from the recorded subject lectures and materials. I would suggest however to incorporate an image of your field site map as it is stated as a minimum requirement for this assessment in the subject outline. I would also love to see a more interesting title as suggested by the subject tutors instead of just “Digital Artefact Pitch”. I would like to know how this project would help and benefit you in the future. Will this be used as a portfolio for a career choice? I would furthermore like a clearer outline of your targeted audience and better use of tags. Overall, your pitch video is structured perfectly and is of good quality in regards to audio and post structure using links and relevant examples. I look forward to seeing your DA project progress. Good luck!


  3. jnscampbell says:

    Hi Samantha, your media niche is extremely interesting and very relevant in the current online marketing environment. You have definitely utilised the subject information and readings to form your research question and ethnographic approach. The niche and information was presented clearly and was easily digestible, however one thing I would look into is how to use your research within a theoretical framework. One could potentially be using communication analysis. You have outline all these factors, the sender, message, medium, and receiver, but you could elaborate further using communication analysis to highlight the intentions of these symbols within a marketing sense. I really enjoy the aesthetic of your approach, and can see you’re definitely on the right track.

    Here are some resources on aesthetic, fashion and marketing i think could be valuable and can be found at UOW library;


  4. Hi Samantha, you have provided an elegant, consistent style in your blog post and video, with image and font choices effectively intermingling with your chosen aesthetic.
    I do wonder though, from an ethical perspective, if the best target audience is young girls? Displaying a visually pleasing social media aesthetic is one thing, however I am concerned that this Diva/Glamour aesthetic may not send your desired message to the young audience you speak of (regarding images with terms including ‘trophy wife’).
    The quality and consistency of this blog and presentation were good, though there were a few minor spelling and grammatical errors. The structure and organization of linked and referenced material were presented well, with extensive evidence of external research as well as engagement with the lecture and subject materials relating to ethnography and autoethnography.
    Well done!


  5. merlinparody says:

    Hi Samantha! Great pitch and a cool media niche. You open clearly contextualising and describing the process you have already undergone with links to your previous blog posts that offer more depth. You have a clear understanding of your DA explaining concisely your intentions and focus.

    I would love to see a future field map maybe detailing your experience with ‘human and non-human actors’, what software production can be used and the relationship between aesthetics in the digital vs physical space. You address the relationship between social media and ethnography well, indicating why you have chosen to use Instagram to pursue your media niche and reach your target audience of young women. Your timeline clearly outlines important features of your weekly goals.

    You explain how you will be engaging in reflexive research, here you may be able to expand and draw on other methods such as autoethnography and participatory observation in your project. You have presented a very informative, and well put together pitch drawing on subject materials and background resources well done!

    Here is an article about aesthetics and female Instagram influencers that might be of some use to you! 


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